Mayyat Ko Qabar Mein Rakny Ki Dua

میت کو قبر میں رکھنے کی دُعا

Mayyat Ko Qabar Mein Rakny Ki Dua

If you want the soul of your loved one rest in peace and get a higher ranking in the Heaven, you would like to know mayyat ko qabar me dafnane ki dua. The dua is short and easy. It is just a sort of prayer taught by our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) for the departing soul... Read More...

Mayyat Ko Qabar Mein Rakny Ki Dua

Though it may have a different meaning for the individuals survived by the deceased, death merely marks a transition and passage of the departing soul from the worldly constraints to the heavenly sphere.

For the wicked, it is the beginning of a long, indefinite calamity.

For the pious, on the other hand, death signifies the escape and freedom of the soul from tethers to a sovereign kingdom – the Heaven – which is created, furnished and decorated solely for them.

When a Muslim man or woman dies, he/she deserves to get a decent burial in line with the teachings of Islam. The rituals start just as an individual dies and continue till putting them in the grave.

The dua at the time of lowering the dead body into the grave (mayyat ko qabar me dafnane ki dua) is given here with Arabic text and Urdu translation. Reference to the Hadith Sharif and the narrator is also given.

Here is the English translation of mayyat ko qabar me dafnane ki dua:

“O Allah! Forgive it (the departing soul) and raise his/her rank among the people who were on Hadayah (the right path), and (You) become his/her Khalifa among those who are survived (by him/her). O Lord of the worlds! Forgive us and him/her and make the grave spacious for him/her and enlighten it (the grave) for him/her”.

Note: While teaching mayyat ko qabar me dafnane ki dua, Allah’s Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) also warned against speaking any ill words at the death of someone. It is because the angels say “Amin” to whatever one utters at that time.

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